Booking System Reminder

Hi everyone,

I’ve been asked to send out a reminder to please use the booking system for every time you go down to either flying field as of today.

We agreed at the AGM in 2023 to make this a club rule starting January 1st 2024 to make booking mandatory, in order to preserve safety and to appease our landlords with keeping a record on who is on their land. 

The committee aren’t interested in tracking anybody or watching who goes where, it is purely personal safety and to ensure longevity of our sites! We’ve used the booking system before to prove a complaint of a loud model was not members of the WMAC, but a full size aircraft having a practice run over the countryside. It also helps us see field usage and how popular a certain site is.

Obviously it also adds the social aspect so you can see if you’re flying with anyone that day.

If anyone is struggling with using the system, please do just email me on

Many thanks,

Sam Booton

Membership Secretary, Treasurer & Webmaster

Worcester Model Aero Club

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