New Website Launched

A Message from the Webmaster:

On the 1st September, a new website launched for the Worcester Model Aero Club. Please make sure all the information in this email is read and not deleted!

New Web Address

The new address for the website will be

You will need to update your bookmarks and any Home Screen shortcuts on your devices.


All the same functions on the current website will be available, and the layout of the site menus are all reasonably similar. A radical new design, a new language and a focus on user security are the main changes. Some more are included to test the water, to see if it’s something members would use. If adoption rate is poor, they’ll be removed. These include:

  • A club member’s forum to discuss ideas and problems which you can all post to and communicate in. No additional sign up necessary 
  • Skype group chat (not video) for those not keen on using Facebook or WhatsApp or who do not own a smartphone as Skype can be installed on a PC
  • A new booking in for flying calendar
  • Training calendar (coming soon)
  • Events calendar
  • Mobile friendly
  • Reset your own password if you can’t log in
  • Online store
  • GDPR Compliancy
  • Profile pictures and cover photos
  • Automatic news updates via email as they get posted to the website
  • More to come…

Online Store

Memberships are now going to be processed online. This is to alleviate some work from the Membership Secretary as it’ll auto-update the database on who is a current member, who has paid, who is overdue etc. It also gives members more choice in how to pay, and more secure choices. I will be at the AGM to assist you, providing one goes ahead under the current pandemic. If anyone does not have internet access, they can still process membership as normal in person. I will do the online part for them (this service is only for those who have no internet or really, really struggle with online purchasing). 

You can securely pay with PayPal or card straight away online. Alternatively, you can order your membership online, and choose cash, cheque or bank transfer as the form of payment. You will then be able to place your order and it’ll be flagged as ‘unpaid’ to the Membership Secretary until you make the manual payments. You will also be able to renew online.

Remember, the prices online do not include BMFA or CAA registration. 

Mobile Friendly

The website is now fully scaleable to different devices. The aspects of the website will be manipulated around automatically to best suit your screen size and resolution. This makes the website very easy to use on a smartphone.

Secure Emails

You can now contact us with secure emails, please try not to use private emails when others exist for the following:

This is to conform to GDPR Regulation. These addresses (apart from Webmaster) will not be manned until website launch.

Website Training Support

If anyone looks at the new website and needs some help, I am happy to get a group of us together and go through some basic training. Obviously sticking to the Government guidelines though. Upon launch, in your new website welcome email you’ll get some instructions on how to do the most common tasks. This will be online ordering, booking in to fly and updating your profile.


A couple of days after launch I will be emailing you all a survey to complete. This is for your feedback on the website, so it can be addressed at the Committee meeting being held in September. Please report all bugs, broken parts, problems, improvements, feature requests and positives on there and also to my email address linked above. Whilst as much testing as possible has been done prior to launch, when the masses get access things could break or issues could be spotted I didn’t notice. We have access to the current website until the end of the year, just in case of any major disasters.

As more features get added and made live, you’ll be kept up to date!

Any questions, please just email me.

RENEW NOW: Click the button to renew your membership for 2025