Good afternoon all, and a Happy New Year!
Hopefully in 2021, vaccines will mean a gradual relaxation of the rules, and a return to normality. Club outdoor events, social evenings and an EGM/AGM will once again finally be possible!
I have had a few emails asking about the status of the club now we have been placed into Tier 3 regulations, so I thought I’d send an email just to clear up any confusion. The following rules that I’ve had queried are currently in place:
- The field remains OPEN to those in Tier 3
- No more than 6 per booking slot
- You must book in order to fly
- Masks are not required
- Social Distancing is an absolute necessity
- If you are happy to, please check in using NHS Test & Trace apps
If you are in Tier 4, according to government instruction, there is a stay at home order in your local area. This means you should not be passing from your Tier 4 area into Tier 3 to fly. To read more on what you are allowed to pass tier boundaries for, click here.
We are also asking that, due to the new strain that is more contagious and more easily transferable, that you please use the NHS Test & Trace posters to check in if you have the app on your phone using the NHS app.
Also, social distancing has never been more important. The club has many people in the ‘at risk’ category, and even the younger members are at risk – no one is immune. Please, for the safety of each other and families, maintain the 2m social distancing rules so the club can still operate legally. Bring hand gel, keep your distance and feel free to wear a mask if you so wish (but you don’t need to at all).
If we get placed into Tier 4, we will update you on our next round of decisions – hopefully we don’t get that far though!
Have a great new year, and hopefully see you down the field soon!
Sam Booton