Good afternoon, Following on from last week’s Coronavirus update where all remaining restrictions have been lifted, we are pleased to announce the model club will be following the same advice. The temporary club rules, specified flying time slots, the covid policy and the requirement to book in to fly has all come to an end.Continue reading “Coronavirus Restrictions Update”
Category Archives: Covid-19
Good morning, Renewals have a couple of changes this year to make paying safer, easier for you and easier for us to keep track of who’s paid. Please do read the below before going to renew. The renewals have been re-opened now I’ve completed the handover from Simon for the secretary/treasurer role. Paying by cardContinue reading “Renewals”
Flying Session Bookings
Hi Everyone, Just been asked to send out a friendly reminder to everyone that booking in is still very much a requirement for going to either of the fields, no matter for how long. With the rising cases, this is getting more important as the winter sets in. Not only that, the BMFA have recommendedContinue reading “Flying Session Bookings”
Winter Flying Times
Hi all, Not any changes that will really matter, but just to make you aware the evening slot has now been disabled as the nights are drawing in. You can continue to book AM, PM or All Day sessions. These session times are now: AM – Start of flying day until 1pm PM – 1pmContinue reading “Winter Flying Times”
May 17th Booking Update
Hello Everyone, After some good news from Boris tonight, I am happy to inform you that we can now book 30 people per session per field as of May 17th!! Evening and all day bookings shall also recommence, so you’ll have much more flexibility on when you visit the field. You will still need toContinue reading “May 17th Booking Update”
Booking System Review
Good evening everyone, The booking system has been active for a week now tomorrow (Friday), and we have reviewed the current situation after looking at the trend of bookings. It has been decided to remove the restriction of two bookings per week. There is now no limit on pre-booking your flying sessions at all. ThisContinue reading “Booking System Review”
Booking Services have reopened!
Good Evening Everyone! After now having confirmation from the Government that the 29th March is definitely going ahead, I am happy to be able to reopen the booking system as of 5pm tonight! The rules are similar to before, but for a refresher they are: Rule of 6 – no more than 6 per sessionContinue reading “Booking Services have reopened!”
Booking System and IT Support
Good Afternoon Everyone, We are hoping the Government will still allow us to begin flying again on March 29th. In preparation for this, we have implemented a new outlook on the booking rules to make sure fairness is key. We were concerned after such a long lockdown, and winter months, there may be a bitContinue reading “Booking System and IT Support”
Government Announcement 22nd Feb
Hi Everyone, As you probably all saw, tonight we had a lockdown update from the Government and an exit strategy back to a normal life. Sadly, whilst it was what we expected, the fields will be remaining closed for the foreseeable. One glimmer of hope, however, lies within the Prime Minister’s steps towards a normalContinue reading “Government Announcement 22nd Feb”
WMAC & Tier 3
Good afternoon all, and a Happy New Year! Hopefully in 2021, vaccines will mean a gradual relaxation of the rules, and a return to normality. Club outdoor events, social evenings and an EGM/AGM will once again finally be possible! I have had a few emails asking about the status of the club now we haveContinue reading “WMAC & Tier 3”