Good evening, With reference to the memo sent out on 8th September, concerning the loss of the Hanbury field and the future direction of the club, we are indebted to the 22 people who took the trouble to reply, mostly giving comprehensive details of their thoughts on the subject. Many asked for an EGM. Your committee haveContinue reading “Extraordinary General Meeting”
Category Archives: Meetings
Request for Member’s Feedback
Information for renewals & AGM
Good Evening, Wednesday 14th December is the day our first AGM since the pandemic is scheduled, and we’d love to see you all there. Feel free to confirm your attendance on the flying booking page. I have some quick information regarding the AGM at the renewals for 2023 below: Renewals online are now open, pleaseContinue reading “Information for renewals & AGM”
AGM 2022
Good morning, I am writing to you to invite you to our AGM for 2022, and to update you on what is happening regarding the AGM for voting and renewal payments. This year, we’re going back to the in-person AGM like usual, but with a difference. A bit of a hybrid AGM between online, andContinue reading “AGM 2022”
AGM Results
Hi Everyone, The results are in! I’ll disclose the names of those who have been nominated by other members at the end of this email, and announce the date renewals open. This time during the vote, obviously there was no other people to vote for in order to make a committee. We did, however, requireContinue reading “AGM Results”
Voting, Club Funds & 2022 Plans
Good afternoon everyone, I hope you’re all well, and that you’re looking forward to the festivities coming up! This is just an email to let you know about voting, and to bring some clarity the situation some have understandably become confused over regarding why we need £4,000 in our bank account. Voting Voting will openContinue reading “Voting, Club Funds & 2022 Plans”
The Online 2021 AGM
Good morning, I am writing to you to update you on what is happening regarding the AGM for 2021. Originally, it was due to be held on the 15th December at the Perdiswell Leisure Centre at 7pm. We had booked a room to hold the meeting within, but with rising cases and concerns of poorContinue reading “The Online 2021 AGM”
AGM follow up
Good morning everyone What can I say? I am bowled over with your generosity in going to the trouble to cast your votes for myself and our committee. The result is an all time record for WMAC… first time ever that over 50% of the membership voted for a committee. The on line voting systemContinue reading “AGM follow up”
AGM Results
The results are in! We have had an unprecedented number of people vote this year, more than any AGM in the past, which is excellent to see. It is great to see the membership all coming together to vote and show interest in the club’s future, so thank you all for your time taken toContinue reading “AGM Results”
Online AGM 2020 Hub Launches
The 2020 AGM Hub has launched! Please take this time to look around, familiarise yourself with where to go to vote and take a look at what resources are available. To find it, log into the website and you’ll see the AGM menu appear at the top of the webpage. This is shown in aContinue reading “Online AGM 2020 Hub Launches”